The question is which one is faulty?
You’ve hunted around and found a great price for a repairer to fit a new cooking fan motor; or have you? Most companies don’t even know there is a difference! But that is what separates our business from our competitors. We trained on commercial cooking equipment. Fan motors with Bronze bushes simply didn’t last long enough!
Trouble is, how do you know what the tech fitted? Truth is; you don’t! If you want to sure; tell us and we’ll make sure you receive the correct motor.
Most ovens have two fans - One Tangential and the other not
Oven making a racket and figure its the Fan Motor? What most people don’t know is that there are more than 1 motor in an oven that can make some sort of noise. When we refer to the Cooking Fan, it means the motor that is normally located inside the oven cavity at the back of the oven in the middle. Which you can see through the vet holes! This cooking motor is often confused with the less known Cooling Fan which can’t be seen without dismantling the oven. These are commonly tangential fans or drum fans and are more expensive to change over. There is also a clock motor, which for the most part these days are electronic and don’t make noise. And last but not least is the Rotisserie motor, which is rarely used, but on some brands are on when you choose to grill. Our fixed price repairs apply to most of the common fans we encounter. There are some cooling fans that are bigger/smaller than the standard 180cm unit. Not all of these are included at this stage because the volume and part price variation are too variable to lock down
Please make sure you have chosen the right booking form!
This form - and the 10% discount - is for domestic customers only. This is a booking request, not a confirmation!
If you are a Rental Property Owner/Manager/Tenant/Commercial Operator please use the Tax Invoice Booking Form.
If you use this Booking Form you will not receive a “Tax invoice”.
Contingency Bookings
If you are not sure what Contingency bookings are; then read on! It’s when a customer makes a booking, but then rings around to find another repairer who can maybe make it earlier! This is not just frowned upon, but makes up a big part of lost revenue for any repair operation. So please; do the ring around before making a booking. And then if we end up your best option, please then make a booking.
Please note* This form is for privately owned residences only. If you are a Property Owner/Manager or Tenant; please use our rental property form.
Service Call Etiquette
We ask that all our customers make themselves familiar with our 'service call etiquette' requirement in order to maintain a safe and harmonious work environment. The most important ones:
Booking online saves time, errors and provides a written record of the appointment details. We pass this saving on via a 10% discount. Please make sure your email/mobile phone number is correct, as we sms/email a time and date confirmation. If the date you have selected is not available we will continue to communicate via email to finalise a time and date confirmation. By submitting a booking means you have agreed to have us attend your property to repair your appliance and have accepted our terms and conditions. We will send you a date and time confirmation by sms/email as you choose. Your receiving the date and time confirmation does not negate your booking obligations.
We carry a selection of spares for the most common faults and should our technician not have the required parts on board, there is no additional Service Call Out Charge for the return visit. Warranty claims must be submitted in writing, and when applicable are conditional upon all accounts and payments being in order and fully settled as per our trading terms. Things go wrong! If you haven’t received your booking confirmation by the time you anticipated; call! The amount of incorrect phone numbers/ email addresses etc. we receive means you might not receive your confirmation as anticipated. Ring us before you go off making alternate arrangements. All postponements or cancellations must be submitted in writing 24 hours prior to the appointment time. Failure to do so in a timely manner will incur cancellation charges.
Make sure you use the right booking form!
The licensing, skills, equipment and results are very different. Choose wisely!
Our Service Area
Workshop Location - Parcel Point
Social distancing
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Contactless Payment
ABN: 13 145 484 313
Office Ph: 0411 377 955
Office Hrs: Mon - Fri, 9:00am - 5:00pm
© 2010 ~ 2024 Adelaide Corporate Pty Ltd
Adelaide 5000 | Aberfoyle 5159 | Albert 5014 | Alberton 5014 | Allenby 5009 | Angle 5010 | Ascot 5043 | Ashford 5035 | Athelstone 5076 | Athol 5012 | Auldana 5072 | Beaumont 5066 | Bedford 5042 | Belair 5052 | Bellevue Heights 5050 | Beulah 5067 | Beverley 5009 | Black Forest 5035 | Blackwood 5051 | Blair Athol 5084 | Bowden 5007 | Brahma Lodge 5109 | Brighton 5048 | Broadview 5083 | Brompton 5007 | Brooklyn 5032 | Brown Hill Creek 5062 | Burnside 5066 | Camden 5038 | Campbelltown 5074 | Cavan 5094 | Chandlers Hill 5159 | Cheltenham 5014 | Clapham 5062 | Clarence Gardens 5039 | Clarence 5034 | Clearview 5085 | Clovelly 5042 | College 5069 | Collinswood 5081 | Colonel Light 5041 | Coromandel East 5157 | Coromandel Valley 5051 | Cowandilla 5033 | Crafers 5152 | Crafers West 5152 | Craigburn Farm 5051 | Croydon 5008 | Cumberland 5041 | Darlington 5047 | Daw 5041 | Dernancourt 5075 | Devon 5008 | Dover 5048 | Dry Creek 5094 | Dudley 5008 | Dulwich 5065 | Eastwood 5063 | Eden Hills 5050 | Edwardstown 5039 | Enfield 5085 | Erindale 5066 | Ethelton 5015 | Evandale 5069 | Everard 5035 | Exeter 5019 | Fairview 5126 | Felixstow 5070 | Ferryden 5010 | Findon 5023 | Firle 5070 | Fitzroy 5082 | Flagstaff Hill 5159 | Flinders 5025 | Forestville 5035 | Frewville 5063 | Fulham 5024 | Fulham 5024 | Fullarton 5063 | Gepps Cross 5094 | Gilberton 5081 | Gilles Plains 5086 | Gillman 5013 | Glandore 5037 | Glanville 5015 | Glen Osmond 5064 | Glenalta 5052 | Glenelg 5045 | Glengowrie 5044 | Glenside 5065 | Glenunga 5064 | Glynde 5070 | Golden Grove 5125 | Goodwood 5034 | Grange 5022 | Green Fields 5107 | Greenacres 5086 | Greenhill 5140 | Gulfview Heights 5096 | Hackney 5069 | Hallett Cove 5158 | Hampstead 5086 | Happy Valley 5159 | Hawthorn 5062 | Hawthorndene 5051 | Hazelwood 5066 | Hectorville 5073 | Hendon 5014 | Henley Beach 5022 | Henley Beach South 5022 | Highbury 5089 | Highgate