Adelaide Oven Repairs logo with registered trademark symbol.


Line Art



Oven Repair - Curve Art

Duty Cycle = Hours used not Years old.

Oven Duty Cycle













Duty Cycle - Warranty

How warranty coverage changes under high use appliances


Joke Bot Assumptions

Car user understand that warranty periods come with exceptions! 12 Months / 100,000km warranty period. This is understood to mean whichever comes first. Part warranty is typically 12 months within the appliance repair industry. Over 80% of our warranty claims (which are remarkably low within the appliance repair industry) are directly associated with high use ovens. Unlike cars, ovens don't have speedometers that record the mileage.

The concept it driven primarily by the electrical industry term "Duty Cycle". Duty cycle is the ratio of the time a load or circuit is ON compared to the time the load or circuit is OFF. Duty cycle, sometimes called "duty factor," is expressed as a percentage of ON time. A 60% duty cycle is a signal that is ON 60% of the time and OFF the other 40%.

In relationship to an oven's duty cycle this refers to the frequency the oven is used. Some ovens work daily, others weekly, and like mine it's lucky to be monthly. When an oven manufacturer designs an oven they would use some statistics that determines the average use of an oven, which then informs the engineers who determine the appropriate duty cycles of: thermostats, function switches, door switches etc. Unfortunately the oven manufactures don't make these statistics available for the general public. If an oven published the fact that it was designed to be used once a week, this would directly impact a customers buying decision. They don't want customers being able to use such a definitive criteria for making such a buying decision.

As it relates to repair work on ovens and the term of a warranty, it would be very helpful to be able to say to customers "your oven has only been designed to operate twice a week for no more than an hour and a half at an average temperature of 180 degrees celsius. As repairers this would mean our 12month warranty period would be limited by 150 hours per annum. Which of course no one would be able to prove.

The point of this discussion is to understand that some oven users exceed to average use and should expect a higher fault rate meaning more regular dates with your repairer.

Brands We Service

Not all of them, but a good cross section that we do.


The top 6 brands are the ovens we service most often here in little old Adelaide. They're therefore the ones we carry the most parts for and have the most experience in.

Then we have the brands that we have a mix of popular and less popular; where parts are restricted mainly to the popular models.

Others that we also service, but with a 50/50 likelihood we have parts on board. In no particular order:

Your Home is our Workplace

Beyond the 'Work Health and Safety Act 2012 (SA) requirements!


Dos And Donts

The Covid Pandemic! Or at least this is what brings the subject to the fore! By law we are required to ensure a safe workplace! Unlike normal workplaces, we are visitors to your home. And while we are there we need your agreement to comply with our policies and practices to ensure that safe workplace. In order to do that we use the IT (information technology) to manage that process. Hence this page!

We have terms and conditions that we ask you the customer to agree to before attending your home! If we can’t get those agreements in place, then we accept you might be better searching for an appliance repairer who doesn’t take these matters seriously.

Besides the now normal requirements of social distancing, wearing masks and letting us know before attending your home if anyone has symptoms or is isolating; we take this opportunity to discuss other issues that help us to conduct the appliance repair in a professional and efficient manner.

Those issues are:




Proximity to our work space

Appliance user in attendance

Removing accessories from the appliance

Damage to surfaces


Adelaide's first and only dedicated oven repair service

The licensing, skills, equipment and results are very different. Choose wisely!

Our Service Area

Workshop Location - Parcel Point

Keeping you safe at home

Contactless Covid Service

Social distancing

Contactless Covid Service

Avoid contact

Easy payment options

Contactless Payment

Company Details
Adelaide Oven Repairs logo with registered trademark symbol.

Welcome to Adelaide Corporate Pty Ltd, trading as Adelaide Oven Repairs™.


617 Goodwood Road

Panorama SA 5041

Call Now

Paul Rohal - Electrical

- Electrical Workers Licence PGE 174378

- Electrical Contractors Licence PGE 232656

Peter Dineen - Gas

- Gas Contractor Licence PGE 177525

- Gas Workers Licence PGE 1771


ABN: 13 145 484 313

Office Ph: 0411 377 955

Office Hrs: Mon - Fri, 9:00am - 5:00pm

© 2010 ~ 2024 Adelaide Corporate Pty Ltd

Family Owned and Operated!
Suburbs We Service.

Adelaide 5000 | Aberfoyle 5159 | Albert 5014 | Alberton 5014 | Allenby 5009 | Angle 5010 | Ascot 5043 | Ashford 5035 | Athelstone 5076 | Athol 5012 | Auldana 5072 | Beaumont 5066 | Bedford 5042 | Belair 5052 | Bellevue Heights 5050 | Beulah 5067 | Beverley 5009 | Black Forest 5035 | Blackwood 5051 | Blair Athol 5084 | Bowden 5007 | Brahma Lodge 5109 | Brighton 5048 | Broadview 5083 | Brompton 5007 | Brooklyn 5032 | Brown Hill Creek 5062 | Burnside 5066 | Camden 5038 | Campbelltown 5074 | Cavan 5094 | Chandlers Hill 5159 | Cheltenham 5014 | Clapham 5062 | Clarence Gardens 5039 | Clarence 5034 | Clearview 5085 | Clovelly 5042 | College 5069 | Collinswood 5081 | Colonel Light 5041 | Coromandel East 5157 | Coromandel Valley 5051 | Cowandilla 5033 | Crafers 5152 | Crafers West 5152 | Craigburn Farm 5051 | Croydon 5008 | Cumberland 5041 | Darlington 5047 | Daw 5041 | Dernancourt 5075 | Devon 5008 | Dover 5048 | Dry Creek 5094 | Dudley 5008 | Dulwich 5065 | Eastwood 5063 | Eden Hills 5050 | Edwardstown 5039 | Enfield 5085 | Erindale 5066 | Ethelton 5015 | Evandale 5069 | Everard 5035 | Exeter 5019 | Fairview 5126 | Felixstow 5070 | Ferryden 5010 | Findon 5023 | Firle 5070 | Fitzroy 5082 | Flagstaff Hill 5159 | Flinders 5025 | Forestville 5035 | Frewville 5063 | Fulham 5024 | Fulham 5024 | Fullarton 5063 | Gepps Cross 5094 | Gilberton 5081 | Gilles Plains 5086 | Gillman 5013 | Glandore 5037 | Glanville 5015 | Glen Osmond 5064 | Glenalta 5052 | Glenelg 5045 | Glengowrie 5044 | Glenside 5065 | Glenunga 5064 | Glynde 5070 | Golden Grove 5125 | Goodwood 5034 | Grange 5022 | Green Fields 5107 | Greenacres 5086 | Greenhill 5140 | Gulfview Heights 5096 | Hackney 5069 | Hallett Cove 5158 | Hampstead 5086 | Happy Valley 5159 | Hawthorn 5062 | Hawthorndene 5051 | Hazelwood 5066 | Hectorville 5073 | Hendon 5014 | Henley Beach 5022 | Henley Beach South 5022 | Highbury 5089 | Highgate 5063 | Hillcrest 5086 | Hilton 5033 | Hindmarsh 5007 | Holden Hill 5088 | Hope Valley 5090 | Hove 5048 | Hyde 5061 | Ingle Farm 5098 | Joslin 5070 | Kensington 5068 | Kent Town 5067 | Keswick 5035 | 5035 | Kidman 5025 | Kilburn 5084 | Kilkenny 5009 | Kings 5034 | Kingston 5049 | Kingswood 5062 | Klemzig 5087 | Kurralta 5037 | Largs Bay 5016 | Leabrook 5068 | Linden 5065 | Lockleys 5032 | Lonsdale 5160 | Lower Mitcham 5062 | Lynton 5062 | Magill 5072 | Malvern 5061 | Manningham 5086 | Mansfield 5012 | Marden 5070 | Marino 5049 | Marion 5043 | Marleston 5033 | Marryatville 5068 | Mawson Lakes 5095 | Maylands 5069 | Medindie 5081 | Medindie 5081 | Melrose 5039 | Mile End 5031 | Mile End South 5031 | Millswood 5034 | Mitcham 5062 | Mitchell 5043 | Modbury 5092 | Modbury Heights 5092 | Modbury 5092 | Morphettville 5043 | Mount Osmond 5064 | Myrtle Bank 5064 | Nailsworth 5083 | Netherby 5062 | Netley 5037 | Newton 5074 | North Adelaide 5006 | Brighton 5048 | Plympton 5037 | Northfield 5085 | Northgate 5085 | Norwood 5067 | Novar 5040 | Oakden 5086 | Oaklands 5046 | O'Halloran Hill 5158 | Old Reynella 5161 | Ovingham 5082 | Panorama 5041 | Para Hills 5096 | Para Hills West 5096 | Para Vista 5093 | Paradise 5075 | Parafield 5106 | Parafield 5107 | ParkHolme 5043 | Parkside 5063 | Pasadena