Adelaide Oven Repairs logo with registered trademark symbol.


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Oven Repair - Curve Art

Need an oven install or replacement? We don't do oven installations. We think it's conflict of interest - more profit can be achieved if the tech can convince a customer to replace rather than repair.

Oven Change Over

Your oven install or replacement

We don't do installs or replacement!


We don't do oven change-overs or installs mainly because that requires a whole different stock to have in our van which we reduce the level of parts we have on board to complete oven repairs. We're also a fixed price operator, which means if we have to return with a part our profitability is down the gurgler. Not to mention we think this is a conflict of interest. Not too long in the future it won't surprise us if actual repairs are still on the menu. There a lot more profit from changing over appliances that repairing them.

But, it has to be said; not every oven will be economical to repair. If that is the case and you need to change over your oven, we do have some options available. Click the link if you think your going to need:

The impact an installer can have

We try our best to make sure any impact is kept to a minimum


How your oven was installed can have a huge impact on our ability to remove/reinstall your oven. The "Do It Yourself" installation can be very much like a lucky dip. Sometimes the installation is done very well, but not in a standard way. Other times it can be a complete disaster for us not seeing how your oven was installed in the first place can alter the job time frame significantly. 'Cabinet Makers' installation methods can vary, but normally it's pretty limited. Or it might have been done by the local electrician or gas fitter, this can turn it into a pandoras box.

While we will take reasonable care to remove/reinstate your oven, we will not be held liable for factors outside our control. Non complying installations are the rule rather than the exception. The Technical Regulator requires we report these non compliances and should not re-energise the installation until the non-compliance is remedied. We often can't know this until we have taken the oven out of it's installation. By that time there is no going back. If the Technical Regulator was genuine about making sure installations were up to code they would inspect more installations. But they can hide behind the lack or resources to manage such an undertaking, so they attempt to move the onus to contractors. We try to take a pragmatic approach. We are primarily a fixed price operation and as such focus on the repairs required and reporting issues that might come to our attention we consider dangerous. We are not paid to conduct an inspection of the installation to report non-conformances. Should you require such an inspection you must let us know in the booking form.

The list of issues that can affect our ability to remove and reinstall your appliance are many. We can't hope to list them all here. But in an effort to provide a broad brush of some of these issues, we hope the following might raise our customers understanding of these issues:

  • The oven has been siliconed in place. We need to break that seal in order to remove the oven. Sometimes (rarely) the gap between the oven and bench/splash back are so small, getting a knife in-between is impossible. And reinstating the oven means the silicone needs to be redone. We don't do that!
  • The kitchen floor has been renovated and put in place after the oven installation. Sometimes this means the oven can't be removed or damage to the floor is required to remove it. We are not liable for this damage/reinstatement.
  • Legs on free standing ovens have been damaged and don't remain in situ when removing/reinstalling them. The oven was balanced in place and will require remedy before being able to reinstate. Any repairs to rectify this are chargeable.
  • Original installation is not up to code. The electrical and gas installation has not been done according to Australian Standards. Junction boxes not mounted, gas pipes not run correctly, cabinet work was done without maintenance considerations. Kickers are glued in. Packers are not fixed in place and move upon reinstating the oven, screw holes for securing the oven in place have been stripped or never installed. Laminated surfaces have cracked or swollen stopping the oven being removed with causing damage. We are not liable for these issues. While we might be able to remedy some of these issues, they are a charged by time.
  • Many ovens have specific securing parts. Some of these are plastic and become fragile with age. Many will crack and will need to be replaced. Some can not be sourced. Often that will mean using over size head screws to retain the oven in place. We can't help that oven makers use plastic components and that they degrade over time. These parts are not part of the job and are chargeable to replace if available.
  • Globes replacements are chargeable. Globe filaments become fragile and are sensitive to vibration. Removing and reinstalling ovens can often be the straw that broke the camels back and cause the globe to fail.
  • Corrosion affects all ovens. Removing panels is necessary to access components. These can be rusted in or corroded and will be rendered useless after their removal. Sometimes the panel the screw was secured to lets go and leaves a larger hole than the screw originally was locked into. Often screws will break of in the cast burners. These require re-tapping and replacement. None of this work is covered in our fixed price charges. This is chargeable for both time and parts.

One of the worst problems we come up against is a customer claiming the oven is no longer how it was. This sounds ridiculous, but it happens more often that we care to admit. One of the most repeated complaints is that the oven door is not butting up flush with the above panel. For many customers they have never seen their door removed. And so now pay attention for the first time and suddenly realise there is gap. This gap is a fact of most modern ovens. It is there to allow the cooling fan to disperse the hot air out of the control panel area. Once complained about, many customers become insistent that it was not like that before. And even after pointing out the ventilation outlets, remain convinced that the door is now lower than it once was. The onus then becomes proof. We can't prove it was or wasn't like that before any more than the customer can. Even sending customers the design drawings, doesn't change the fact that customers feel embarrassed and won't use the service again because its embarrassing. So, proving we are right, still doesn't get a good outcome every time.

We are not in the business of making unhappy customers, but the reality is sometimes that is unavoidable. While we will take reasonable care to remove and reinstall your oven as was; we are not liable for installation issues. We might be able to rectify some of the issues and will charge for that time accordingly. But some will require other trades to remedy and some may not be feasible to remedy.

Book now and save!

Did you know there's a 10% discount for booking online?



This form - and the 10% discount - is for domestic customers only. This is a booking request, not a confirmation!

If you are a Rental Property Owner/Manager/Tenant/Commercial Operator please use the Tax Invoice Booking Form.

If you use this Booking Form you will not receive a “Tax invoice”.


Booking Stages


Please confirm the following: *
The property owner is liable to provide a safe work environment! Failure to provide truthful answers or disregard obligations to maintain a safe work environment can cause liability on the property owners behalf.

Customer Details

By submitting this form you warrant that you are of legal age and authorised to enter into a legal contract.
Parking fines are passed on at cost.
A minimum $55 charge applies if your address is outside our "service area". If this is the case, please select "Outside Service Area" and include your suburb in the Address field.
Street (If you are outside our service area please include your suburb in the field above.)
Booking confirmations are sent by email. Please ensure your email is correct.
I.E. 0455366955. This must be a mobile number in order to receive the confirmation notice. Please remain contactable on this number 24 hours prior to your booking.
I.E. 08 8355 9444. We need an alternate number to your mobile contact. If we can't get you on your mobile we will try your alternate number.
Please enter two different, working contact numbers if possible!
Please confirm the primary appliance user will be in attendance

Your Appliance Details

We do repair electric ovens with gas burners on top!
Normally located around the doors!
Approximation will do if you don't know
* You can choose more than one.
* Appointment time will be subject to parts being received. You can choose more than one.
Ensure you qualify any Monthly Special details here!

Maximum file size: 268.44MB

You can upload more than one image!

Booking Arrangements

If we can't make either date requested; we will email you to finalise other options.
You can select multiple times. *Times are not guaranteed!
If your preferred date and time are already taken!
You can select multiple times. *Times are not guaranteed!
Payment is required on completion of each visit! A minimum charge is applicable (service call+15min)!
Please confirm you have read and agree to our Terms and Conditions
This document is proprietary and confidential. No part of this document may be disclosed in any manner to a third party without the written consent of Adelaide Corporate Pty Ltd.

Electric Booking Form
Book online with Adelaide Oven Repairs.

Contingency Bookings

If you are not sure what Contingency bookings are; then read on! It’s when a customer makes a booking, but then rings around to find another repairer who can maybe make it earlier! This is not just frowned upon, but makes up a big part of lost revenue for any repair operation. So please; do the ring around before making a booking. And then if we end up your best option, please then make a booking.

Please note* This form is for privately owned residences only. If you are a Property Owner/Manager or Tenant; please use our rental property form.

Service Call Etiquette

We ask that all our customers make themselves familiar with our 'service call etiquette' requirement in order to maintain a safe and harmonious work environment. The most important ones:

  • Keep your pets restrained or outside.
  • Keep clear of any work space.
  • Please don't hover over the technician while they are working.

Booking online saves time, errors and provides a written record of the appointment details. We pass this saving on via a 10% discount. Please make sure your email/mobile phone number is correct, as we sms/email a time and date confirmation. If the date you have selected is not available we will continue to communicate via email to finalise a time and date confirmation. By submitting a booking means you have agreed to have us attend your property to repair your appliance and have accepted our terms and conditions. We will send you a date and time confirmation by sms/email as you choose. Your receiving the date and time confirmation does not negate your booking obligations.


We carry a selection of spares for the most common faults and should our technician not have the required parts on board, there is no additional Service Call Out Charge for the return visit. Warranty claims must be submitted in writing, and when applicable are conditional upon all accounts and payments being in order and fully settled as per our trading terms. Things go wrong! If you haven’t received your booking confirmation by the time you anticipated; call! The amount of incorrect phone numbers/ email addresses etc. we receive means you might not receive your confirmation as anticipated. Ring us before you go off making alternate arrangements. All postponements or cancellations must be submitted in writing 24 hours prior to the appointment time. Failure to do so in a timely manner will incur cancellation charges.

Adelaide's first and only dedicated oven repair service

The licensing, skills, equipment and results are very different. Choose wisely!

Our Service Area

Workshop Location - Parcel Point

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Company Details
Adelaide Oven Repairs logo with registered trademark symbol.

Welcome to Adelaide Corporate Pty Ltd, trading as Adelaide Oven Repairs™.


617 Goodwood Road

Panorama SA 5041

Call Now

Paul Rohal - Electrical

- Electrical Workers Licence PGE 174378

- Electrical Contractors Licence PGE 232656

Peter Dineen - Gas

- Gas Contractor Licence PGE 177525

- Gas Workers Licence PGE 1771


ABN: 13 145 484 313

Office Ph: 0411 377 955

Office Hrs: Mon - Fri, 9:00am - 5:00pm

© 2010 ~ 2024 Adelaide Corporate Pty Ltd

Family Owned and Operated!
Suburbs We Service.

Adelaide 5000 | Aberfoyle 5159 | Albert 5014 | Alberton 5014 | Allenby 5009 | Angle 5010 | Ascot 5043 | Ashford 5035 | Athelstone 5076 | Athol 5012 | Auldana 5072 | Beaumont 5066 | Bedford 5042 | Belair 5052 | Bellevue Heights 5050 | Beulah 5067 | Beverley 5009 | Black Forest 5035 | Blackwood 5051 | Blair Athol 5084 | Bowden 5007 | Brahma Lodge 5109 | Brighton 5048 | Broadview 5083 | Brompton 5007 | Brooklyn 5032 | Brown Hill Creek 5062 | Burnside 5066 | Camden 5038 | Campbelltown 5074 | Cavan 5094 | Chandlers Hill 5159 | Cheltenham 5014 | Clapham 5062 | Clarence Gardens 5039 | Clarence 5034 | Clearview 5085 | Clovelly 5042 | College 5069 | Collinswood 5081 | Colonel Light 5041 | Coromandel East 5157 | Coromandel Valley 5051 | Cowandilla 5033 | Crafers 5152 | Crafers West 5152 | Craigburn Farm 5051 | Croydon 5008 | Cumberland 5041 | Darlington 5047 | Daw 5041 | Dernancourt 5075 | Devon 5008 | Dover 5048 | Dry Creek 5094 | Dudley 5008 | Dulwich 5065 | Eastwood 5063 | Eden Hills 5050 | Edwardstown 5039 | Enfield 5085 | Erindale 5066 | Ethelton 5015 | Evandale 5069 | Everard 5035 | Exeter 5019 | Fairview 5126 | Felixstow 5070 | Ferryden 5010 | Findon 5023 | Firle 5070 | Fitzroy 5082 | Flagstaff Hill 5159 | Flinders 5025 | Forestville 5035 | Frewville 5063 | Fulham 5024 | Fulham 5024 | Fullarton 5063 | Gepps Cross 5094 | Gilberton 5081 | Gilles Plains 5086 | Gillman 5013 | Glandore 5037 | Glanville 5015 | Glen Osmond 5064 | Glenalta 5052 | Glenelg 5045 | Glengowrie 5044 | Glenside 5065 | Glenunga 5064 | Glynde 5070 | Golden Grove 5125 | Goodwood 5034 | Grange 5022 | Green Fields 5107 | Greenacres 5086 | Greenhill 5140 | Gulfview Heights 5096 | Hackney 5069 | Hallett Cove 5158 | Hampstead 5086 | Happy Valley 5159 | Hawthorn 5062 | Hawthorndene 5051 | Hazelwood 5066 | Hectorville 5073 | Hendon 5014 | Henley Beach 5022 | Henley Beach South 5022 | Highbury 5089 | Highgate 5063 | Hillcrest 5086 | Hilton 5033 | Hindmarsh 5007 | Holden Hill 5088 | Hope Valley 5090 | Hove 5048 | Hyde 5061 | Ingle Farm 5098 | Joslin 5070 | Kensington 5068 | Kent Town 5067 | Keswick 5035 | 5035 | Kidman 5025 | Kilburn 5084 | Kilkenny 5009 | Kings 5034 | Kingston 5049 | Kingswood 5062 | Klemzig 5087 | Kurralta 5037 | Largs Bay 5016 | Leabrook 5068 | Linden 5065 | Lockleys 5032 | Lonsdale 5160 | Lower Mitcham 5062 | Lynton 5062 | Magill 5072 | Malvern 5061 | Manningham 5086 | Mansfield 5012 | Marden 5070 | Marino 5049 | Marion 5043 | Marleston 5033 | Marryatville 5068 | Mawson Lakes 5095 | Maylands 5069 | Medindie 5081 | Medindie 5081 | Melrose 5039 | Mile End 5031 | Mile End South 5031 | Millswood 5034 | Mitcham 5062 | Mitchell 5043 | Modbury 5092 | Modbury Heights 5092 | Modbury 5092 | Morphettville 5043 | Mount Osmond 5064 | Myrtle Bank 5064 | Nailsworth 5083 | Netherby 5062 | Netley 5037 | Newton 5074 | North Adelaide 5006 | Brighton 5048 | Plympton 5037 | Northfield 5085 | Northgate 5085 | Norwood 5067 | Novar 5040 | Oakden 5086 | Oaklands 5046 | O'Halloran Hill 5158 | Old Reynella 5161 | Ovingham 5082 | Panorama 5041 | Para Hills 5096 | Para Hills West 5096 | Para Vista 5093 | Paradise 5075 | Parafield 5106 | Parafield 5107 | ParkHolme 5043 | Parkside 5063 | Pasadena 5042 | Payneham 5070 | Payneham South 5070 | Pennington 5013 | Plympton 5038 | Pooraka 5095 | Port Adelaide 5015 | Prospect 5082 | Queenstown 5014 | Redwood 5097 | Regency 5010 | Renown 5008 | Reynella 5161 | Reynella East 5161 | Richmond 5033 | Ridgehaven 5097 | Ridleyton 5008 | Rose P5067 | Rosewater 5013 | Rosslyn 5072 | Rostrevor 5073 | Royston 5070 | Salisbury 5108 | Salisbury Downs 5108 | Salisbury East 5109 | Salisbury 5109 | Salisbury Plain 5109 | Salisbury South 5106 | Seacliff 5049 | Seacombe 5047 | Seacombe Heights 5047 | Seaton 5023 | Seaview Downs 5049 | Sefton 5083 | Semaphore 5019 | Semaphore South 5019 | Sheidow 5158 | Skye 5072 | Somerton 5044 | South Brighton 5048 | South Plympton 5038 | Springfield 5062 | St Agnes 5097 | St Georges 5064 | St Marys 5042 | St Morris 5068 | St Peters 5069 | Stepney 5069 | Stirling 5152 | Stonyfell 5066 | Sturt 5047 | Tea Tree Gully 5091 | Tennyson 5022 | Thebarton 5031 | Thorngate 5082 | Toorak 5065 | Torrens 5062 | Torrensville 5031 | Tranmere 5073 | Trinity 5068 | Trott 5158 | Tusmore 5065 | Underdale 5032 | Unley 5061 | Urrbrae 5064 | Vale 5081 | Valley View 5093 | Walkerville 5081 | Walkley Heights 5098 | Warradale 5046 | Waterfall Gully 5066 | Waterloo Corner 5110 | Wattle 5066 | Wayville 5034 | Welland 5007 | West Beach 5024 | West Croydon 5008 | West Hindmarsh 5007 | West Lakes 5021 | West Lakes Shore 5020 | West Richmond 5033 | Westbourne 5041 | Windsor 5087 | Wingfield 5013 | Woodville 5011 | Woodville 5012 | Wynn Vale 5127 | Yatala Vale 5126

© Copyright Adelaide Corporate Pty Ltd 2010-2025

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Adelaide Whitegoods Specialists Circa 2010